A downloadable project

A darkness looms upon the northern end of the kingdom, colloquially known as the Veil.

A stalwart sellsword leaves behind heart break for a new home on a new horizon. 

Welcome to Warden

An open world sidescroller adventure where you explore & discover a robust network of places, characters and agendas.

Make friends and foes while traversing mountains, forests, deep underground, and across chaotic spirit realms.

Currently being developed using Godot 3.5 and a library of resources accrued, Warden is a love letter to the age old action adventure experience. 

Over come a range of landscapes and creatures by leveraging numerous spell effects, weapons, tools, and your wits.

Mixing all the classic gameplay types, (metrovania, roguelike, soulslike, openworld, rpg, etc, etc) Warden provides what I call the METROUGEANURAI experience (metro-gyan-urai).

From a humble entry in the town of Serrena you'll explore the countryside, meet an eclectic assortment of characters, predators, and conflict, as well as opportunities for riches, glory and to tell the story how you choose.

You'll wander from Serrena in the Greenfields into Greenvalley and then follow the Evernight road up into the Heshen mountains and into the Evernight City that sits at the summit of the dormant volcano, Vulkanus.

Trek through Khazad'Zaruk aka the grimshar, aka the goblin highway and visit the pearl that is Millanth, the goblin city.  Rumours echo that there's a way to reach the reclusive dwarves in the deepest of Vulkanus' basins.

Will you see the mines of Básimalt?  Will you learn to sling the mojo?  Will you succumb to flux madness?  Who will you help or hinder?  How will you live out your destiny in Warden?


Warden has a plethora of stuff but here are a few highlights.

  • Open ended storyline crossing a microcosm of characters and regions.
  • Conflicts offer multiple solutions, rewards and consequences.
  • Discover the factions of The Veil and choose your fate among them.
  • Join or snub the Vulkanian authority.
  • Study how to weave aetheric among the Sapiensans.
  • Learn the history, language, and cultures of the Heshen people, or the Morinolië.
  • Journey across the chaotic spirit realms of the Aethereum.
  • Wonderful toys!  Rope arrows, knives, bombs, and more!
  • Stealth gameplay for the strong silent types.
  • High mobility terrain traversal
  • Lockpicking "minigame" with vibration feedback and multi stick design.
  • A grimoire of 35 spell effects such as lightning, teleportation, speed, etc.
  • Own property in various regions!  Buy a home, or a business somewhere.
  • Pets!  Have a fish, rodent or a horse and take them on your adventures!
  • Troika-level dialogue options.  #iykyk
  • Numerous plot paths, and endings.

Release Date?

When it's done.

Development log

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